
Publisher Note – July 7, 2022

Summer plans

July 7, 2022

In our family, mom is the planner. Dad is the more spontaneous, lets see what will happen type of guy. Those two personalities can sometimes clash when dad doesn’t seem to respect the careful lists and spreadsheets that mom seems to make for nearly every occasion.

Those two can also compliment each other. Sometimes dad thinks that he has been spontaneous but really, he just fell into mom’s careful plan. The kid finds these experiences hilarious especially when mom pulls out the clip board.

No mater which type of person you are, this weeks article will give you what you need. If you want to plan in advance for your July and August activities, we have that list started for you. Do you want to be spontaneous and pick an activity when you wake up in the morning? Just pull up our list and we make the choice a little easier.

Let us know which activities were your favorite.

Hugs and Love,

Chris and Anita