
Shavuot Ice Cream Factory and Ten Commandments

Chabad East DC shares their traditions at Lincoln Park

By Anita June 2, 2022

Shavuot is the holiday when the Jews gathered around Mt. Sinai and received the Torah. The children were the guarantors that the tradition would continue, and here we are - 3,335 years later!! 

The holiday of Shavuot will be celebrated with an awesome Ice Cream Factory in Lincoln Park hosted by Chabad East DC

Kids will make ice cream from scratch (please let them know if you'd like dairy free) and adults will enjoy the cheesecake bar! Toppings galore for both!! All that will be followed by the reading of the 10 commandments from an authentic Torah scroll. 

4:30 Ice cream factory

4:45 Cheese cake bar 

5:00 10 commandments

There is no charge but please do RSVP ideally by 7:00 tonight.